A feature design that allows users to access content faster and encourage them to continue watching through seamless transitions.

vision – btn

As HBO Max competes for its place in the attention economy, we want to tighten the bond between viewer and screen by providing the option to eliminate friction in the continuous watching experience. The ability to skip the introductions and credits at the start of each video will strengthen viewers' loop of engagement with programming, thereby allowing users to access content faster and encourage them to continue watching through seamless transitions.

research – btn

Heavily Requested

CES has reported that a skip intro feature is the 4th most requested feature in the ‘playback’ category.

Everyone Binges

A Nielsen study found that 88% of Netflix users and 70% of Hulu Plus users reported watching at least three episodes of the same content in one day.

Win the Streaming Wars

As skip intro becomes a widely used feature in the market of streaming services, implementing this feature will meet the market demand, improve the overall user engagement, and increase customer satisfaction.

Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at 4.07.32 PM
role – btn

Role: UX Designer

Teammate: Gabrielle Tabachnik

Tools: Sketch, Framer X, Illustrator

Timeline: June 2019 - Aug 2019

competitive analysis – btn
user flows – btn

Button Flow

Button Flow

Button Flow

Button flows

Timeline Flow

Timeline flows

Pop-up Flow

Pop-up Flow

Button flows
sketches – btn

Episodical Skip

On Content Button – card
Progress Bar Bookmark – card
Progress Bar Button – card
Progress Bar Menu – card

Further Exploration - Auto-skip

Auto Skip Pop-up – card
Progress Bar Setting – card
Title Card Setting – card
Profile Setting – card
visual – btn
Button Visuals


Timeline Visuals


Settings cog


Pop Up Visuals


prototypes – btn
timeline prototype recording
button prototype recording
usability – btn

Goal: Evaluate users’ understanding and preference of two distinct skip intro solutions in a binge-watching setting. Users will perform core tasks using the two prototypes to help us find the most intuitive solution.

Goal: Evaluate users’ understanding and preference of two distinct skip intro solutions in a binge-watching setting. Users will perform core tasks using the two prototypes to help us find the most intuitive solution.

Format: 5 participants, 30 min 1-on-1 sessions, initial interview on binge-watching habits, core tasks with both prototypes, preference questions, survey/questionnaire.

Results: Overall, participants discovered both the timeline and button/pop up features with ease and stated they would utilize both if they were to exist, but preferences leaned towards the button/pop combo feature.